
Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day! In the spirit of Earth Day, we are reminding our citizens that Jamestown does indeed have a recycling center (behind Town Hall and the Fire Station) located at 301 E. Main St. This is a 'voluntary' recycling center and is open 24/7. We do ask that you are mindful about placing the correct items (aluminum, paper, plastic) in the respective areas. If the hauler we contract with deems that the items are "contaminated" (i.e.- paper in the plastic bin, aluminum in the paper bin, etc.) then the ENTIRE load is placed in the landfill...which negates any benefit from trying to recycle the materials.
The Town's Public Services Director, Chuck Smith, has been working with the hauler to allow us to "co-mingle" the materials and this would alleviate some hassle for our citizens! He is also working hard to have the ability for cardboard recycling also! If you have specific questions regarding our recycling or sanitation routes, please call Chuck at 336.454.1138 or email csmith@jamestown-nc.us.
As you may have seen in the news, Jamestown Town Staff are also working hard on a Tree Preservation Ordinance, just celebrated Arbor Day in March, and are working closely with the Mayor and Town Council to support new "green" initiatives in Jamestown. Please stay tuned to this blog and the Jamestown News for the latest developments!

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